How Much Does It Cost to Attend Cranbrook Michigan Schools?

The Interlochen Arts Academy is the most expensive private school in Michigan, according to an MLive survey of more than 300 private institutions across the state. With tuition rates ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars, it's important to understand the cost of attending a private school in Michigan. Below is a list of the 35 most expensive private schools in Michigan, with the first three being boarding schools. For those interested in attending one of these schools, a database with the tuition rates of 318 private schools in Michigan, representing nearly 90% of schools that enroll at least 100 students, is available from the state. The Cranbrook and Kingswood schools were heavily influenced by the Arts and Crafts Movement, which began in 19th century England.

Architecture critic Paul Goldberger of The New York Times called the Cranbrook campus one of the best campuses ever created in the world. In 1985, Cranbrook School and Kingswood School merged to create a blended higher school, the Cranbrook Kingswood Upper School. Classes are held at the original Cranbrook and Kingswood campuses. During the summer months, Cranbrook schools conduct a variety of day and boarding programs on their campus. These include day camps, a soccer clinic, a film seminar, a compensatory educational program for students from low-income families, a jazz ensemble, ice hockey, lacrosse and tennis camps, as well as the Cranbrook Theater School.

Actor Robert Englund taught one summer at drama school. The design was chosen by William Oliver Stevens, the first director of the Cranbrook School, who drew it. The current logo was designed by Eero Saarinen. Traditionally, the Cranbrook School also has an exchange program with the Cranbrook School of Kent, a boarding school in Cranbrook, Kent, England, in honor of George Booth's legacy. Cranbrook Academy of Art scholarships are available and will be deducted from total tuition costs when determining student liability for reimbursement purposes.

Cranbrook Kingswood accepts just under half of applicants, placing it in the 25% of most selective high schools in United States. In 1985, Cranbrook and Kingswood schools merged to create a blended higher education institution. Unlike Cranbrook Children's School, which has several buildings, Kingswood School has a single building that includes support facilities. Cranbrook Kingswood now has 70 sports teams; both men's and women's teams won state championship titles in hockey, tennis, lacrosse, golf and swimming. Financial aid at Cranbrook is available in form of scholarships, grants, loans and federal employment studies. Admission to Cranbrook Academy of Art is competitive and requires more than just numbers and data.

The Cranbrook Children's School began operating in 1927 and was designed by world-renowned Finnish architect Eliel Saarinen. Domestic students are eligible to purchase Cranbrook health insurance; details are provided to all students.

Mike Martin
Mike Martin

Mike Martin is a seasoned guide adept at assisting students in their preparation for admissions tests. Holding a Master's degree in Education from the prestigious University of Cambridge, Mike is deeply committed to offering invaluable advice and effective strategies to help students succeed. His expertise in the educational field is geared towards ensuring students are well-prepared and confident as they approach these crucial assessments.

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